Battery Saving Tips for Smartphones and Tablets

Here are some of the tips for your long lasting smartphone and tablet batteries.

Decrease you Screen Brightness and try to set a black wallpaper

Your battery is likely to be drained more when your screen brightness is high. On Super AMOLED Screens, try keeping black wallpapers so that the battery would last for long time. If your phone has an AMOLED screen (like most Samsung devices), use a dark-colored background. Black wallpaper can increase battery life because AMOLED screens only illuminate the colored pixels. Black pixels are unlit, so the more black pixels you have, or the more darker pixels, the less power is needed to light them up. After setting a black screen, now you can feel the difference.

Shorten Screen Timeout

The second option is shortening the screen timeout. When you set a screen timeout of 15 sec instead of 1 or 2 minutes, the screen will turn off the display after the time and hence power consumption will be less. 

Turn off vibration

Vibrations and sounds can consume more battery than the phone which have silent profile. Thus turning off the vibration may add extra life to the battery. 

Turn off notification

Turn off the notification when you don't need it. In modern SAMSUNG devices, it comes with the option of "Do not Disturb" which can be important. 

Switch to Airplane Mode

Yes, It is true that Airplane mode consumes less power and gives more battery life. Because in Airplane Mode, the cellular network,  signal, radios are turned off when entering Airplane Mode. Charging the phone in airplane mode may charge the phone quickly than the phone is normal state. 

Closing Background Apps

Most of the time when we use some particular apps and then we forget to clean that apps. The process runs in background which might be draining some the battery level. So don't forget to clean the apps which runs on background. 

Disable Radios such as WiFi, Bluetooth when not in use.

Every time we don't need some of the things in our smartphone. The things like WiFi, Bluetooth aren't used everytime. So make sure you turn off those things. 

Try Doze

Doze is an android application which helps to prevents the apps from sending and receiving data without disabling you WiFi or cellular network. If you keep your data on all the day, apps can run out of full battery even without using your phone. Apps can resume normal activity when screen is on. This app is very much different from Phone's built-in Power Saving Mode. Doze comes pre-installed to the android Marshmallow 6.0 and higher versions. For them who have lower versions like Lollipop, Kitkat and Jellybean, download the app from here.

Disable Location

Disable the location or GPS when you're not using it. You might not need this thing when you're inside the house or you workplace.Enabling the GPS consumes more power and that can drain your battery quickly. The phone in moving state is more likely to consume more battery than the phone in stationary.  So turn that option off when you don't need it. 

Uninstall or disable unused apps

Android phones comes with the built-in apps which sometimes also known as "bloatware" So some of the built-in apps are not used much by the user and they consume internal space and RAM. So try disabling those apps. Pre-installed apps can't be uninstalled. They can only be disabled. They can be uninstalled if your phone is rooted and has superuser access. By doing this you can free you RAM and it will help you also in conserving battery.

Correct your Charging Habit

The most important thing here is charging habit. Most of the people use to drain the battery completely to recharge the battery. But it's the wrong method. Draining the battery completely and recharging till it reaches up to 100% is the worst charging method. This charging process should be done once is every month. But in normal days, you can charge your phone when you battery level comes to 30%-40%.
 The charging cycles of Lithium based smartphones batteries are about 3000 recharge cycles. The  1 complete discharge and recharge of Li-ion battery is said to be 1 recharge cycle. So try maintaining your charging habit which perhaps used to care you battery which will last for longer period of time.

Root you phone

Rooting is also known as jailbreaking in iOS. It is the process of unlocking the operating system so that you can uninstall bloatwares, update the custom OS, recovery, kernel, overclock or underclock the processor for your high performance and better battery life. Rooting can give you some amount of battery life. Before rooting, you should consider some of the things like it will void your warranty, you can't restore your warranty, etc. But it has benefits too. You can customize your phone on its own way. It gives better battery life.
Want to know more about what is rooting and its advantages and disadvantages, Click here

Do a battery calibration

Battery calibration is the process of  resetting the battery level and actual power of the battery to its original state. Battery calibration is also termed as "Resetting the Battery". In which battery level comes to its original state. If you find your battery showing 100% full charge but it turns off the phone or either if your phone has 20% of charge and it lasts up to 2 days, then in that case you need to calibrate the battery. Battery calibration is simple and it helps to re-gain the battery power as the new one. 

Do a factory data reset

Factory reset is the soft data reset in which user installed apps, data, settings are erased and comes to default state. After doing factory data reset, your phone looks like the newly purchase phone in the market. The phone's data is erased and the phone will show you the built-in apps which your phone manufacturer installed on it. Sometimes resetting the phone might help to re-gain its battery power.



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